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48 Pillars 2023

  • Arc Gallery 1246 Folsom Street San Francisco, CA, 94103 United States (map)

Arc Gallery

1246 Folsom Street . SF . CA . 94103

February 25th - April 8th 2023

Feb. 25th VIP Preview 5:30 - 7:00pm Opening Reception 7:00-9:00pm

This is the 7th Annual iteration of this exhibition at Arc Gallery. Along with our iconic FourSquared exhibition, this is essentially an exercise in "structural constraint". In both exhibitions, the artists are unconstrained in subject matter except to the extent that works need to be a series; but they are constrained in format. One might expect that constraining format would constrain creativity. Our experience has been the opposite - creativity has been unleashed. The results have been visually stunning.

Michael Yochum, Curator